Free WordPress Performance Audit

Our WordPress Performance Audit is designed to identify and address the factors that may be slowing down your site, ensuring a faster, smoother, and more secure user experience.

Whether you’re looking to boost user engagement, improve SEO rankings, or prepare for increased traffic this comprehensive service is the first step towards a high-performing, reliable website. Take advantage of this free service to enhance your site’s speed, stability, and overall performance.

 Our audit covers all aspects of your website’s performance, from load times and hosting environment to theme and plugin efficiency, database optimization, and security. You’ll receive a detailed report with actionable insights and a prioritized list of recommendations tailored to your site’s needs.

Complete the form below to get started with your free WordPress Performance Audit!



Here’s a step-by-step outline of our Free WordPress Performance Audit process:

1. Initial Consultation

  • Gather Information: Understand the client’s needs, goals, and any specific performance issues they are experiencing.
  • Access Request: Obtain necessary access to the WordPress dashboard and hosting environment for audit purposes.


2. Website Performance Analysis

  • Speed Testing: Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, and WebPageTest to evaluate current load times, Core Web Vitals, and overall performance scores.
  • Hosting Evaluation: Analyze the hosting environment to ensure it’s optimized for WordPress, including server response times, PHP version, and database performance.
  • Theme & Plugin Review: Assess the impact of the active theme and plugins on performance, identifying any bloated or outdated elements.
  • Image Optimization Check: Evaluate the size and format of images to identify opportunities for compression and optimization.
  • Caching & CDN Review: Determine if caching plugins or CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) are properly configured and functioning.


3. Security and Stability Check

  • Security Scan: Run a security scan to detect vulnerabilities that could impact performance, such as malware or outdated software.
  • Update Assessment: Check if WordPress core, themes, and plugins are up to date, ensuring stability and performance.


4. Database Optimization

  • Database Analysis: Examine the database for unnecessary bloat, such as old revisions, spam comments, and unused tables.
  • Optimization Recommendations: Suggest or implement database optimization techniques to improve efficiency.


5. Code Review

  • Code Efficiency: Inspect the theme and custom code for any inefficient or poorly written code that could slow down the site.
  • Script & Style Optimization: Identify unnecessary scripts and stylesheets that could be deferred or removed to improve load times.


6. Audit Report

  • Comprehensive Report: We will provide a detailed report summarizing findings, including performance metrics, areas for improvement, and recommended actions.
  • Priority List: You will receive a prioritized list of suggested optimizations, from quick fixes to more complex tasks.


7. Recommendations and Next Steps

  • Action Plan: We will outline a plan for implementing the recommended optimizations.
  • Follow-Up Consultation: Schedule a follow-up meeting to discuss the audit findings and answer any questions the client may have.


WordPress Speed up service

Price:  $150 (one time) 

Our WordPress Speed Up Service is designed to significantly enhance your website’s performance, ensuring fast load times and a seamless user experience. We take a comprehensive approach to optimize every aspect of your site, from fine-tuning server settings and implementing advanced caching techniques to optimizing images and streamlining code. Whether your site is slow due to heavy traffic, outdated plugins, or large files, our experts will identify and resolve the underlying issues that are causing delays.

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wordpress speed up service